During your time in school, you may find that you need professional advice on a range of topics. Our goal is to
enable you to receive support, advising and mentoring in both academic and personal matters. We can assist
you with issues from setting short and long-range academic goals to learning to juggle the demands of higher
education, work, and family.
We want to aid you in developing significant educational plans while
encouraging perseverance throughout your academic career.
Our advising services are considered to be vital to the education experience and are designed to:
- Assist in planning career choices.
- Develop effective study habits.
- Assist in planning life goals.
- Assist with academic performance.
- Provide general support services.
If you need assistance with subjects of an academic nature, such as changing programs or class
schedule conflicts, you may consult with the Academic Dean or Student Success Coordinator. They can
also refer students to community resources to assist with problems of a personal nature.
If the aforementioned services do not resolve your questions or concerns, our Campus President would
welcome the opportunity to speak with you in a comfortable and private environment. Please note that
any advising session may be confidential at your request.